Where share price bubbles seem to cause damage, the real culprit is often the authorities overreacting and deploying the heavy weaponry of a monetary squeeze to dampen damaging speculation. 尽管股市泡沫似乎造成了伤害,但真正的罪魁祸首往往是那些反应过度、并动用货币挤压这一重型武器来打击破坏性投机的有关部门。
If the heavy speculation by retail investors does continue, analysts expect that the government has a series of other targeted policies it can steadily introduce to cool the market. 如果散户投资者狂热的投机行为持续下去,分析人士预计,政府还可稳步引入一系列其它有针对性的政策为市场降温。
Shenzhen, just across the border from Hong Kong, has also witnessed heavy property speculation this year. 毗邻香港的深圳今年也出现了大量房地产投机活动。
Regulators are worried about the amount of hedge fund money that has illegally found its way into China and do not want to make heavy speculation any easier. 监管机构对通过非法途径进入中国的对冲基金资金规模感到担忧,而且不希望降低进行巨额投机的难度。
Comprehensive survey domestic and foreign to exponential function understanding correlation research, mostly all is the heavy speculation but the light real diagnosis, the real diagnosis research lag develops to the curriculum relatively. 纵观国内外指数函数的相关研究,大多都是重思辨而轻实证,实证研究相对滞后于课程发展。